
Everyday is a miracle!!

Every minute of our existence is a miracle,I believe.We just fail to be aware of all that is happening in our lives on a day to day basis.
I had the blessings and grace of my Guru and GOD to be able to attend and listen to some extremely wonderful knowledge by one of the very senior teachers Rajashri Patel.
It was total bliss of two hours at the satsang.
The most common and regularly asked question in our life is 'why' or better still 'why me'???
We keep popping this question all the time,without for a moment thinking that we never questioned WHY in our happy and contented moments in life.This questions pops up in our mind only when we are in trouble and put to tests and when unpleasant events happen or occur in life.
This was answered so beautifully by Rajahsri didi.
Life is a like a flowing river,and if we just sit by the river bed and observe we see so many things floating and moving along with the water.They could be a log of wood, a flower, a bottle,a swan or any such thing.The river also has rocks in between and we can also see the log of wood hitting against the rock and there we go, the rock is stuck,and unable to move forward!!The log of wood if we notice keeps moving back and forth and hitting the rock unable to move ahead until another log comes by and pushes this one ahead and gets stuck in turn.This is exactly what happens in our lives.Like the log of wood we too in life get stuck at certain points and that is when we start questining WHY??Isn't this true of all of us??
This is the time when knowledge comes to our assistance.When we live in knowledge, "WE KNOW THAT THIS TOO WILL PASS",so many innumerable times in life have we been through situations which we thought will never get resolved or sorted out, but everytime we have come out of it isn't it???
We are so similar to the log that floats in water and keeps thinking that it is doing a great job out there whereas it is actually the river that is flowing all the while and also We too think that we are the ones who responsible for all that happens in our lives but nothing is in our control, things just happen, evets just occur,life moves on.
So there is actually no answer tho this 'WHY ME' because whatever happened could be due to so many reasons beyond our comprehension.
At this point I am reminded of an event in my life,which when I look back and think now happened for a reason,it was a jolt given to me to wake up and be aware.
I met with an accident which left me with a broken left hand which needed an operation,physiotherapy massage etc to get it back in shape.I believe this was responsible for all that happened in my life later on.This introduced me to satsang,and so many wonderful people in life whom I shall cherish and be greatful for all my life.I must admit that it took me this many years in life to realise what my mother is. ,Nothing can equate a mothers love and care for her child,irrespective of the age.I am glad wisdom dawned in me though a wee bit late in life.
Ok,I do realise I have gone totally off track from the title of my blog, I started the blog with the idea of writing about miracles happening every moment of our lives and I have absolutely gone off track,(remember the flow of the river)!
So yes,here is the miracle that happened this morning which I must put down here.
I keep shuttling between good old Pune home and the bread butter home UAE(ANNADATA).Two years before I was just cleaning up the house in Pune and winding up stuff since I had to catch a flight to Abudhabi.When I thought I was all set I see that the diamond ring in my finger is missing, and there I go again digging up trash bins and looking wherever I possibly could with no luck.Every time I come home to Pune I used to search and research in all the places, and also would never fail to crib to my maid ,who in turn would console me saying,"you will certainly find it don't worry".
This time too as is customary I did crib and she too said the same thing .Anyways to cut the story short, this morning I was getting ready to go for a bath, so pulled out a dress and I hear something roll on the floor and Lo !! it is the diamond ring which I have been looking for,for two long years now.Isn't that awesome!! I am still unable to get over the joy and happiness this has given me, not just because I found the ring, but because it reassured me of my faith and belief In GURU AND GOD!!!Life is full of miracles, we just need to wake up and see them and acknowledge them...

Jai Gurudev...

Stay tuned...

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