
Gratefully Yours!!!

Well, well,what should I say???I am indeed extremely happy and undoubtedly grateful for everything that I have been showered with until today.I just read an article by Guruji Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji ,a short while ago which is actually the reason for this very sudden and immediate urge to sit and write a few lines here.‘The more grateful we are, the more blessings come our way’!!
I think that is so very very true.I see them coming my way!!!!
Many a times we find ourselves anxious or worried about the future and often console ourselves saying whatever is our destiny will happen.If we just thought a while we would sure accept and believe that our future is not our destiny but our past is our destiny because we cannot change the past and if we believe that future is destiny it can make us lazy for certain. So it would be wonderful indeed if we understood that future is free will ,and to live and be with the present moment.
Coming to my present ,I am off to spend some blissful and great time for a few days,sure because of the good wishes and blessings of one and all and ofcourse most importantly DH.Will put down a detail account of my experiences once I get back, so till then.......................
Jai Guru Dev!!!

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