Sense of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ –Greatest Obstacles in Path of Spiritual Growth.
A miserly rich old lady and was living alone. Her main desire was to go to Heaven and enjoy, after death. She would never willingly part with even a rotten apple for a beggar.
One day a hungry old monk entered her house, sat down outside her kitchen and refused to leave unless some food article was given to appease his hunger at least partly. She was helpless and finally got rid of him by donating a carrot half of which had rotted which she was planning throw out.
A few years passed and suddenly one day she saw Yama, the God of death standing before her and ready to take away her soul. Yama told her, “I have come to take you to hell as you have never done a single good deed in your life.” She remonstrated “You are wrong. I am entitled to go to heaven. Check up your ledger. Five years back, on a particular day I have done a selfless service by donating a carrot to a monk.” Yama was able to trace the entry in her ledger account. With an apology he told her: “You wait outside your house for a few minutes. In half an hour a golden carrot will descend till it is within the reach of your hands. If you catch hold of it, it will take you to the Heaven.”
The old lady quickly dressed herself up gorgeously (in a new saree) and was waiting in the street when a golden carrot descended towards her. She caught hold of it which began moving upwards like a balloon, while she was hanging from it. A vendor of vegetables who was standing by her side immediately caught hold of her feet and the carrot was carrying both of them. Another lady who was seeing this scene caught hold of the vendor’s feet. Thus a number of people hung on to each other’s feet one below the other and the carrot was taking them all upwards. Lady, unaware of people hanging one below the other went on enjoying the scenery.
When she was almost nearing the gates of the Heaven, she had a last look on the earth she had left behind and beheld to her horror a number of people hanging one below the other under her support. She shrieked at them – “You fellows there get down and leave my feet. This carrot is mine and I alone am entitled to go to heaven.” In order to emphasise the words “mine” with a suitable gesture, she touched her heart with both the hands. As she had unwarily left hold of the carrot, she fell down carrying all the people hanging in that line.
Jai Guru Dev.
An Eventful Day!!!
Everyday dawns with something special in store,just that we need to be aware of the happenings all through the day.Only then can we observe and appreciate how very special each and every day is.
22nd July is any way an important date in my calender,needless to mention that this was the day when there rose a wave in the ocean bearing my name....
Well,well the waves sure have been rather kind to me for most part and am indeed thankful for that.
This year was really special in many ways.Got up early morning all happy and excited because I had a truly amazing and lovely dream just before I woke up.Indeed great beginning for a lovely day ahead.
First,may be the first time I was with my mother on this day after along time may be.
Second,The first time I got a lovely bouquet of red and white carnations arranged in a watermelon sent by my dear daughter.Thank you dear,love you so for that beautiful gesture.
Third,Probably the first time I got a phone call from my dear son in the morning wishing me...vow,that truly did call for a celebration....Thank you so much sonny for remembering to you so.......
Fourth and very special and important to me,the first time I had a dream (early morning)that a divine soul is blessing my home with HIS presence.
Fifth,the first time I had a Guru Pooja at our lovely home in Pune,followed by a sweet and lovely satsangh.
Sixth,probably the first time in a really longprobably time that I was caught unawares with just a vessel of drinking water and no water supply for the rest of the day....
Seventh,managed to turn out a simple meal inspite of the no water situation at home...
Eighth,my creativity was at its best and used innovative and novel ways to face the water shortage...
Ninth,probably after a really long time I actually did wear a new saree on my birthday (usually I do have new sarees and clothes but for some reason never wear them that day).
Tenth and probably the best part is that I retained my cool inspite of all the chaos that day at home.(Created because of no water)
It was indeed an eventful day with lots happening all through the day.As mentioned earlier on the day started off with Guru Pooja,performed by a very dear and wonderful god sent person.I hardly met this person a couple of times before,yet I felt that I always knew her.She immediately agreed to come over and do the guru pooja at home that day inspite of her hectic schedule.Am indeed grateful to her for this.
Needless to mention that the pooja was so very beautiful and followed by a lovely satsangh for about an hour may be.I have posted a picture of the shrine at home.
I realised that as long as things are made available to us whenever we need we probably do not recognise the value and importance of that.We appreciate and realise how precious water is only when we are deprived of it.Isn't that true??
Thanks to bottled water that is available just a phone call away.I am sure the guy must have made quite a few bucks selling bottled water that day.This made sure that atleast there was no dearth of drinking water for the day,also I could cook something for lunch and dinner.
Each and every event that we come across teaches us a lesson.Life is a learning process all the way.
It was a rainy day too with continuous drizzles all through the day and what came to my mind then was "water water every where not a drop to drink"......
For a while I did think that I would not be able to make it to the Ayurvedic cooking course which I had joined,but I decided that I am no way going to allow such issues to come in the way, and sure went and enjoyed a wonderful class.
For most part I must admit that lots happened on 22nd July which made it even more special and memorable.
Could Indian spirituality have helped Mother Teresa?
Mother Teresa has done unparalleled service to India. Could she also have benefited from the
unparalleled spiritual wealth of India? Yes, definitely!
Although Mother Teresa lived in this ancient land of rich spiritual heritage, she stayed away from
Indian spirituality and remained an island unto herself. It is not uncommon for spiritual seekers to
lose sight of what is happening inside them when they get involved in serving others.
Whether many so-called religious people are really on the spiritual path itself is questionable. They
neither acknowledge nor recognise the conflicts and agony that one faces on the spiritual path.
Mother Teresa has been so sincere and honest to herself that she expressed what she was
experiencing. On the spiritual path, what is most important is to be honest with yourself and
recognise what is happening within you.
Serving others uplifts one's energy, but it does not alleviate one from the inner torment. For that, one
has to understand the mechanics of consciousness and their relation with pleasure or pain. This
knowledge is found in many Indian scriptures such as the Upanishads, Yoga Vashistha, Ashtavakra
Geeta and Tripura Rahasya.
The knowledge of Vedanta could have helped Mother Teresa get over her doubts and quench her
intense seeking. All the states described in her letters are mentioned in the nine obstacles to yoga
enunciated by Maharshi Patanjali.
Mother Teresa would have benefited immensely from Maharshi's enunciations on how to face the
obstacles of Vyadhi (ill-health), Styana (procrastination), Samshaya (doubt), Pramada
(carelessness), Aalasya (laziness), Avirati (craving), Bhranti-darshana (confusion), Alabdha
Bhumikatva (lack of any spiritual attainment) and Anavasthitva (emptiness or agonising state of
Mother Teresa seemed to have gone through the agony of these states of consciousness without
the knowledge of spiritual science. This is akin to a person suffering from malaria, not knowing what
medicines to take.
What Mother Teresa experienced is not different from what many saints from different religions,
including Sri Ram, went through. Sri Ram found his guidance from Maharshi Vashishtha in the form
of Yoga Vashishta. In the scriptures it is said that only one who is well versed in some practice of
samadhi can help one to overcome spiritual torment and misery.
When orthodox beliefs limit us from looking beyond, it becomes an impediment on our spiritual
One on the spiritual path should have an open mind and, at the same time, honour orthodoxy.
Spirituality beyond the boundaries of a religion can help one to cope with loneliness, isolation and
emptiness. It need not be seen as a betrayal of one's own religion or philosophy.
Spiritual practices like yoga and meditation do not in any way conflict with one's religious beliefs.
Take the example of Father Bede Griffith who came to India and studied yoga and Vedanta
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philosophy in Trichy. These teachings helped him to overcome obstacles on the spiritual path while
remaining true to his faith as a devout Christian monk.
Being orthodox, Mother Teresa perhaps thought she would be betraying Jesus if she searched for
answers to her dilemma in Indian spirituality. A seeker has to keep the goal in front and if there is a
block on the path, he or she has to find an alternative route to the goal.
When we see God as an object of perception, that is when we are totally lost and misery follows.
From the scene to the seer, from the object of perception to the perceiver... that shift of
consciousness makes all the difference on the spiritual journey. This is how the real joy, which is the
nature of consciousness, gets kindled. And all the barriers, mental blocks and intellectual inhibitions
that our understanding imposes can be transcended by experiencing the precepts of Vedanta.
It is unfortunate that people are not open in their thinking. I am sure that just a few sessions of
pranayama and meditation would have helped Mother Teresa to overcome those days of darkness
and inner torment. Thousands of seekers on the spiritual path experience this state, but they
overcome it once they practise dhyana.
The Indian philosophy talks of three types of misery - physical, mental and spiritual. Spiritual torment
is the worst. The agony and torment that one experiences is at the level of the mind and to go
beyond the mind, go beyond thoughts, is the very purpose of samadhi. Mind is the cause of both
bondage and liberation. Unless one knows how to quieten the mind, it is impossible to achieve inner
The mind can be transcended through yoga sadhana. Yoga is not asanas alone; pranayama and
meditation are an integral part of it. Patanjali Yoga Darshan, Adi Shankara's Drig Drishya Viveka,
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra of Kashmir Shaivism, Thirumandiram of Saint Thirumula all offer different
techniques that help one overcome spiritual torment and misery.
Ayurveda, yoga and Vedanta respectively are the three remedies to eliminate mala (impurities in the
body) vikshepa (disturbances in mind) and avarna (veil that covers the light within). While ayurveda
helps people to calm their thoughts, pranayama and meditation help one become happy from the
core of their Being.
Happiness is only a sign of connection with the divinity deep within. Through these Vedantic
practices, you can experience the scintillating consciousness that you are. It is a simple recognition
of what is and has always been in us, and with us, as our self.
The basic principle of Vedanta is that what you are seeking is already there, like the air around you.
You don't have to go somewhere searching; you only need to become aware. In the same way
divinity, or the consciousness, bliss, love, is already present in you; it is only a matter of recognising
Scientific temper and Vedantic knowledge together make one whole and bring inner stillness. And
that is the essence of Indian spirituality. Critics often ask what use is spirituality if the underprivileged
are not taken care of. What they fail to see is that wherever there is genuine spirituality, a
component of seva or service has always been attached to it. And this can be seen through the
length and breadth of this country.
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In the realm of consciousness, as you sow so shall you reap. If you think suffering is an important
tool for uniting with God, then you are bound to attract it. If you sow a seed of suffering, that
multiplies. The lack of experience of dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (equanimity) can keep a
seeker morose and dull. To overcome this, one needs a shift in understanding about heaven and
hell, and about the consciousness that is all pervading. Spirituality alone can bring that shift.
In the Eastern philosophy, experience comes first and then faith follows. In the occidental way of
thinking, belief comes first and then experience. Mother Teresa had faith but was struggling for an
experience. And it was experience which turned atheist Vivekananda into a swami. Ironically,
Kolkata witnessed both in the same century!
(The writer is the widely revered Indian spiritual guru who heads the Art of Living Foundation.)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ( © IANS / India eNews)
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Mother Teresa has done unparalleled service to India. Could she also have benefited from the
unparalleled spiritual wealth of India? Yes, definitely!
Although Mother Teresa lived in this ancient land of rich spiritual heritage, she stayed away from
Indian spirituality and remained an island unto herself. It is not uncommon for spiritual seekers to
lose sight of what is happening inside them when they get involved in serving others.
Whether many so-called religious people are really on the spiritual path itself is questionable. They
neither acknowledge nor recognise the conflicts and agony that one faces on the spiritual path.
Mother Teresa has been so sincere and honest to herself that she expressed what she was
experiencing. On the spiritual path, what is most important is to be honest with yourself and
recognise what is happening within you.
Serving others uplifts one's energy, but it does not alleviate one from the inner torment. For that, one
has to understand the mechanics of consciousness and their relation with pleasure or pain. This
knowledge is found in many Indian scriptures such as the Upanishads, Yoga Vashistha, Ashtavakra
Geeta and Tripura Rahasya.
The knowledge of Vedanta could have helped Mother Teresa get over her doubts and quench her
intense seeking. All the states described in her letters are mentioned in the nine obstacles to yoga
enunciated by Maharshi Patanjali.
Mother Teresa would have benefited immensely from Maharshi's enunciations on how to face the
obstacles of Vyadhi (ill-health), Styana (procrastination), Samshaya (doubt), Pramada
(carelessness), Aalasya (laziness), Avirati (craving), Bhranti-darshana (confusion), Alabdha
Bhumikatva (lack of any spiritual attainment) and Anavasthitva (emptiness or agonising state of
Mother Teresa seemed to have gone through the agony of these states of consciousness without
the knowledge of spiritual science. This is akin to a person suffering from malaria, not knowing what
medicines to take.
What Mother Teresa experienced is not different from what many saints from different religions,
including Sri Ram, went through. Sri Ram found his guidance from Maharshi Vashishtha in the form
of Yoga Vashishta. In the scriptures it is said that only one who is well versed in some practice of
samadhi can help one to overcome spiritual torment and misery.
When orthodox beliefs limit us from looking beyond, it becomes an impediment on our spiritual
One on the spiritual path should have an open mind and, at the same time, honour orthodoxy.
Spirituality beyond the boundaries of a religion can help one to cope with loneliness, isolation and
emptiness. It need not be seen as a betrayal of one's own religion or philosophy.
Spiritual practices like yoga and meditation do not in any way conflict with one's religious beliefs.
Take the example of Father Bede Griffith who came to India and studied yoga and Vedanta
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philosophy in Trichy. These teachings helped him to overcome obstacles on the spiritual path while
remaining true to his faith as a devout Christian monk.
Being orthodox, Mother Teresa perhaps thought she would be betraying Jesus if she searched for
answers to her dilemma in Indian spirituality. A seeker has to keep the goal in front and if there is a
block on the path, he or she has to find an alternative route to the goal.
When we see God as an object of perception, that is when we are totally lost and misery follows.
From the scene to the seer, from the object of perception to the perceiver... that shift of
consciousness makes all the difference on the spiritual journey. This is how the real joy, which is the
nature of consciousness, gets kindled. And all the barriers, mental blocks and intellectual inhibitions
that our understanding imposes can be transcended by experiencing the precepts of Vedanta.
It is unfortunate that people are not open in their thinking. I am sure that just a few sessions of
pranayama and meditation would have helped Mother Teresa to overcome those days of darkness
and inner torment. Thousands of seekers on the spiritual path experience this state, but they
overcome it once they practise dhyana.
The Indian philosophy talks of three types of misery - physical, mental and spiritual. Spiritual torment
is the worst. The agony and torment that one experiences is at the level of the mind and to go
beyond the mind, go beyond thoughts, is the very purpose of samadhi. Mind is the cause of both
bondage and liberation. Unless one knows how to quieten the mind, it is impossible to achieve inner
The mind can be transcended through yoga sadhana. Yoga is not asanas alone; pranayama and
meditation are an integral part of it. Patanjali Yoga Darshan, Adi Shankara's Drig Drishya Viveka,
Vigyan Bhairav Tantra of Kashmir Shaivism, Thirumandiram of Saint Thirumula all offer different
techniques that help one overcome spiritual torment and misery.
Ayurveda, yoga and Vedanta respectively are the three remedies to eliminate mala (impurities in the
body) vikshepa (disturbances in mind) and avarna (veil that covers the light within). While ayurveda
helps people to calm their thoughts, pranayama and meditation help one become happy from the
core of their Being.
Happiness is only a sign of connection with the divinity deep within. Through these Vedantic
practices, you can experience the scintillating consciousness that you are. It is a simple recognition
of what is and has always been in us, and with us, as our self.
The basic principle of Vedanta is that what you are seeking is already there, like the air around you.
You don't have to go somewhere searching; you only need to become aware. In the same way
divinity, or the consciousness, bliss, love, is already present in you; it is only a matter of recognising
Scientific temper and Vedantic knowledge together make one whole and bring inner stillness. And
that is the essence of Indian spirituality. Critics often ask what use is spirituality if the underprivileged
are not taken care of. What they fail to see is that wherever there is genuine spirituality, a
component of seva or service has always been attached to it. And this can be seen through the
length and breadth of this country.
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In the realm of consciousness, as you sow so shall you reap. If you think suffering is an important
tool for uniting with God, then you are bound to attract it. If you sow a seed of suffering, that
multiplies. The lack of experience of dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (equanimity) can keep a
seeker morose and dull. To overcome this, one needs a shift in understanding about heaven and
hell, and about the consciousness that is all pervading. Spirituality alone can bring that shift.
In the Eastern philosophy, experience comes first and then faith follows. In the occidental way of
thinking, belief comes first and then experience. Mother Teresa had faith but was struggling for an
experience. And it was experience which turned atheist Vivekananda into a swami. Ironically,
Kolkata witnessed both in the same century!
(The writer is the widely revered Indian spiritual guru who heads the Art of Living Foundation.)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ( © IANS / India eNews)
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Hanuman Chalisa

I came across this extremely useful and informative write on Lord Hanuman.
So thought it important to put it up here.
It is said Lord Hanuman is always present wherever one is singing or chanting the glory of Lord Rama.
My prayers at the feet of Lord Hanuman to take me in the path of Bhakti
Hanuman Chalisa – Chanting
Hanuman Chalisa, the holy devotional work written by Goswami Tulsidas in the sixteenth century, has gained enormous popularity among Hindus living the world over. With the blessings of Shri Hanuman, Goswami Tulsidas has also written Ramayana in Hindi and this Tulsi Ramayana is known as Ram Charitha Manas. Tulsi Ramayana has revolutionized the Ram Bhakti movement by enabling common man to recite the glorious legend of Shri Rama in Hindi.
The Power of Shri Hanuman
Shri Hanuman is understood as great jnani, yogi and a brahmachari (bachelor). He has been blessed as chiranjivi, one who lives eternally. The blessings of Siva, Vishnu, Brahma, Surya, Indra, and Vayu made Shri Hanuman invincible. He is the great lover of music and also mastered the Sanskrit language. Being the Yogacharya, Shri Hanuman is considered as an embodiment of the four yogas. His strength, valour, prowess, will power, memory, balanced emotions, sharp intellect, fearlessness, and noble actions were perfectly refined and grounded in
None in the world can equal Shri Hanuman. He had only one thought--that of serving his Shri Rama with utmost humility and devotion. He serves, protects and inspires the devotees of Shri Rama. He holds the flag with fish symbols. Shri Hanuman Chalisa praises the selfless service, courage, humble disposition, and foremost devotion shown by Shri Hanuman towards Shri Rama. Shri Hanuman will present Himself with folded hands in prayer wherever and whenever the Holy name of Shri Rama is recited. Shri Hanuman always loves to hear the mantra ‘Shri Ramajeyam.' Just chant ‘Shri Ramajeyam' mantra 108 times and pray to Shri Hanuman. Here's how to recite one of the popular Hindu chants and mantras, the Hanuman Chalisa.
Why the Name Hanuman Chalisa? Goswami Tulsidas wrote these forty verses in the praise of Shri Hanuman. Forty in Hindi is called 'chalis.' The hymn containing forty verses is called 'Chalisa.' Each such verse is called a chaupai (means 4 legs) and each chaupai of the Chalisa has two lines each--the two always rhyme. Hanuman Chalisa is simple and is the utmost rhythmical poem. The chalisa is sung in different tunes (more than 100) across the country. Even if you don't understand Hindi, you may enjoy hearing it.
Based on the structure and content of Hanuman Chalisa, the devotees have identified three parts - the invocation or preamble, the main body (chalisa) and the final prayer and request. Hanuman Chalisa speaks about Shri Hanuman's parentage, his physique and intelligence, valor and heroic acts, devotion to Shri Rama and Sita.
How to Recite Hanuman Chalisa? Most households recite Hanuman Chalisa as an invocation to Shri Hanuman. Hanuman chalisa can be found on Hanuman Chalisa has been found to be highly effective in controlling evil effects.
1) You can recite it either at a temple or at your puja room.
2) Sit at your place. Close your eyes.
3) Place a picture of Shri Hanuman.
4) Offer the garland of oscimum sanctum or Tulsi or lotus flower. Avoid nerium flower. You may offer a garland made out of betel leaves. You may also offer garland made out of Vada (a South Indian snack made of Urad Dhall).
5) Light a ghee lamp.
6) Offer incense sticks.
7) Now meditate on Shri Hanuman.
8) Now chant Shri Hanuman Chalisa. After completion of each Hanuman Chalisa chanting, offer a flower to Shri Hanuman. You may recite it 12 times, 24 times, 32 times. You may also recite the hymns 108 times while going around the pipal tree.
9) You may offer Sweet Pongal, Ven Pongal, Vada, Honey, Fruits and Panakam (a beverage made from jaggery and tamarind).
Reciting specific hymns. After attending many discourses, I have understood that the recitation of specific Hindu prayers and hymns in Hanuman Chalisa will bestow specific results. I have compiled specific number of the Hymns and the benefits:
1) Chanting the Opening Invocation Hymn of Hanuman Chalisa many times will mitigate the doshas arising out of having insulted knowingly/ unknowingly one's preceptor/ a Rama Bhakta. The hardships in your life will be relieved and you will be blessed with strength and wisdom.
2) Chanting the First Hymn of the Chalisa "Jaya Hanumaan gyaan guna saagar....." will bestow Divine knowledge.
3) Chanting the Third Hymn of Chalisa "Mahaaveer vikrama Bhajrangi....." will remove the bad company of friends or relatives or get rid of your bad habits. It will guide you in your right path.
4) Chanting the Seventh and Eighth Hymns "Vidyavan guni athi chaathur....." will channel a devotee into Rama Bhakti and he will become dear to Shri Rama.
5) Chanting the eleventh Hymn "Laya sanjivan....." will mitigate the effects of poisonous bites and remove fear of snakes.
6) Chanting the Twelfth Hymn will remove misunderstanding between your sons and daughters and will bring unity and affection among them.
7) Chanting the Thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth Hymns will help you to reach name and fame.
8) Chanting the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Hymns will restore lost status or help in getting desired career improvements or promotions.
9) Chanting the Twentieth Hymn will remove obstacles and help in reaching your goals.
10) Chanting the Twenty-second Hymn will provide due protection from adverse planetary effects.
11) Chanting the Twenty-fourth Hymn will drive away all negative energies and evil spirits including black magical deities.
12) Chanting the Twenty-fifth Hymn will restore exuberant health and spirits. The recitation will also give you the ability to withstand physical agony and pain when you are injured or in ailment.
13) Chanting the Twenty-sixth Hymn protects you from general hardships and difficulties.
14) Chanting the Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Hymns will bring fulfilment of desires by Divine Blessings.
15) Chanting the Twenty-ninth will take to the pinnacle of name and fame.
16) Chanting the Thirtieth Hymn will help you to conquer evil forces.
17) Chanting the Thirty-first Hymn will help you to master occult powers and great wealth.
18) Chanting the Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, and Thirty-fifth Hymns will certainly make you enjoy a self-contented life without any bothers / frustrations. You are assured that at the end of such a self-contented life, you will attain the Lotus feet of Shri Rama.
19) Chanting the Thirty-sixth Hymn will mitigate you from all difficulties and pains.
20) Chanting the Thirty-seventh Hymn will secure the Grace of Shri Hanuman.
If you want to accomplish some major tasks, then you are advised to chant the appropriate Hymn with devotion 1008 times on an auspicious Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday or on a combination of a Moola Nakshatra day and a new moon day falling during Tamil month Margazhi (14 Dec - 13 Jan).
Some recommend that devotees perform Tail Puja. What is Tail Puja? Tail Puja is one of the other important Hindu rituals. It is the offering of sandalwood paste and kumkum / sindoor to the tail of Shri Hanuman's image for 48 days.
Jai gurudev!!
God Our Creator!!!

I have always been amazed by our Creator and the accuracy with which every little being that exists in this world.The unbelievable colour combinations,of the fowers,the wonderful fish that swim tirelessly all the while,the rising sun each day,doing its job so meticulously each and every single day without any break.I could go on and on all day.I consider myself blessed and am thankful to God for making me aware of all the beautiful things that this world is made up of.Am indeed grateful that life is a total celebration each and every day.This morning when I was walking it was amazing to watch the sun coming up from between the clouds and the silver lining that it created on the clouds was a visual treat for sure.
I also happened to read this extremely extremely lovely article on the accuracy and perfection with which every single being is made.Just imagine,how lucky we are to be here in this universe as HIS HIGHEST CREATION!!!
Am indeed overwhelmed at that and am absolutely choked and full of gratitude for my CREATOR!!!
Read on to know more about the beauty and perfection of our master Craftsman.....
How lovely to think about the way our Creator God planned everything so carefully and perfectly, everything with a plan. As His highest creation, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.'
God’s accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs.
For example,
The eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
Those of the canary in 14 days;
Those of the barnyard hen in 21 days.
The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
Those of the mallard in 35 days.
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
(Notice: they are all divisible by seven).
God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant. The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason, He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.
The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.
How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation! God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains.
Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
Each orange has an even number of segments.
Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.
The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.
All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks.
The Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred fold - all even numbers.
God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day, so that Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!
Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans, and will be fragrant with His presence. Only the God-planned life is successful. Only the life given over to the care of the Lord is safe.
*Author unknown
Wisdom From Sri Sri Ravishankar
28 July 2010
First, have confidence in yourself that only good will happen to you. Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step. So, this confidence that ‘Only good can happen to me’. And then opposite values are complimentary! So, if you seem to have some loss now, it is only for some bigger profit, some good will happen. So, first is to have this definite intention, definite confirmation.
Second is to know that there are good people on the planet, very kind and compassionate people, and people will help us whenever we are in need. The world will help us when we need it. There are very few bad people. Even bad people are bad only from outside. From inside, they also have some good thing. Someone who is 100 percent bad does not exist on the planet.
So, everybody has some good thing and how we enhance that goodness, is our place of work. That is what we are born to work at.
'People are good! The world is good! Good people are here! And when I need, they will help me'. There will be no insecurity in life with this conviction.
Thirdly, there is a universal power that is inside of me, outside of me, and everywhere in the universe. That power is responsible for everything in the universe. All the diverse creation is because of this power and that power cares for me. Some people call it God, some call it something else. But it does not matter what one calls it. There is a power, there is a spirit. That is so compassionate, and it is with you and will help you. It is also helping you now. See, when you were a child, when you could not even wipe your nose, when you could not even stand up, didn’t nature take care of you? (Affirmative, 'Yes,' from the audience.) And when you get old, you need someone to help you. Right? Somebody will take care of your needs. So, when you were very young, someone took care of you, and someone will definitely take care of you when you will be very old. So, who is putting this thought in that someone’s mind to take care of you? That is the power. So, you have always been taken care of?
Even when you are capable and strong, you must know that there is a power that takes care of you. So, if we just understand this, a great relaxation happens, and the insecurity in the mind goes away, all the fear goes away. Great relaxation, confidence, trust and everything comes. All that is needed in life just come up. So, when we were incapable, we were taken care of, and if we become incapable, we will be taken care of. Now also, we are taken care of and we should also do the same thing. We should also take care in whatever possible manner, wherever it is necessary. This is human life.
Human life has two purposes. One is how much you take, and second is how much you give. So, what is that you can take in the world? You cannot take all the money out of this world. You may earn millions of dollars, but you will have to leave it here. It cannot go with you. The millions of dollars or euro you earn come to help to take care of your food, clothing, a little comfortable bed and room to sleep, and travel a bit here and there. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. We should not expect money to bring us happiness. If we do it, we are not intelligent. If we think money is going to bring us happiness, it is like saying, “I can eat coins and get rid of my hunger”. You need an eatable to get out of your hunger, and not Euros or coins. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. You should not expect money to bring you happiness. You can buy an eatable with Euro, that is a different thing.
Ultimately, happiness cannot be bought by money. We must know this very well. So, get all this comfort in life. But what is it you should get? Comfort is a small thing. But what is it that you can take with you? What can go with you is knowledge. What gets imprinted in the consciousness is knowledge. So, how much knowledge have you gained? Knowledge is not what you read in a book, but it is awareness. How much awareness you have gained? How much broadness in your mind has come up? And in giving, how much love have you given back to the world.
So, how much love have you given?
And how much knowledge have you taken?
These are the only two things that will be asked, and that makes life more fruitful. So, we are all on the right track.
Are you all happy? (A loud, 'Yes!') This is so nice and fortunate. We completed Guru Purnima few days back – 25 July. That was the day we celebrate the knowledge and the love together. Full moon is the symbol of love. It is lovely to walk in the full moon. Moon is very romantic. Isn’t it? So, knowledge is not dry. Knowledge is so romantic and so full of love. That is what we celebrated few days back – Guru Purnima. We thanked all the Masters of the tradition. From thousands of years, the tradition has kept this knowledge intact. So, everyone feels so grateful for the beautiful knowledge we have received in our lives. That is the celebration when you feel so grateful for something that is so life transforming, something that is so important for our life to be uplifted. We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge.
Jai Gurudev!!
First, have confidence in yourself that only good will happen to you. Once you have come on this path, know that only something good will happen to you at every step. So, this confidence that ‘Only good can happen to me’. And then opposite values are complimentary! So, if you seem to have some loss now, it is only for some bigger profit, some good will happen. So, first is to have this definite intention, definite confirmation.
Second is to know that there are good people on the planet, very kind and compassionate people, and people will help us whenever we are in need. The world will help us when we need it. There are very few bad people. Even bad people are bad only from outside. From inside, they also have some good thing. Someone who is 100 percent bad does not exist on the planet.
So, everybody has some good thing and how we enhance that goodness, is our place of work. That is what we are born to work at.
'People are good! The world is good! Good people are here! And when I need, they will help me'. There will be no insecurity in life with this conviction.
Thirdly, there is a universal power that is inside of me, outside of me, and everywhere in the universe. That power is responsible for everything in the universe. All the diverse creation is because of this power and that power cares for me. Some people call it God, some call it something else. But it does not matter what one calls it. There is a power, there is a spirit. That is so compassionate, and it is with you and will help you. It is also helping you now. See, when you were a child, when you could not even wipe your nose, when you could not even stand up, didn’t nature take care of you? (Affirmative, 'Yes,' from the audience.) And when you get old, you need someone to help you. Right? Somebody will take care of your needs. So, when you were very young, someone took care of you, and someone will definitely take care of you when you will be very old. So, who is putting this thought in that someone’s mind to take care of you? That is the power. So, you have always been taken care of?
Even when you are capable and strong, you must know that there is a power that takes care of you. So, if we just understand this, a great relaxation happens, and the insecurity in the mind goes away, all the fear goes away. Great relaxation, confidence, trust and everything comes. All that is needed in life just come up. So, when we were incapable, we were taken care of, and if we become incapable, we will be taken care of. Now also, we are taken care of and we should also do the same thing. We should also take care in whatever possible manner, wherever it is necessary. This is human life.
Human life has two purposes. One is how much you take, and second is how much you give. So, what is that you can take in the world? You cannot take all the money out of this world. You may earn millions of dollars, but you will have to leave it here. It cannot go with you. The millions of dollars or euro you earn come to help to take care of your food, clothing, a little comfortable bed and room to sleep, and travel a bit here and there. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. We should not expect money to bring us happiness. If we do it, we are not intelligent. If we think money is going to bring us happiness, it is like saying, “I can eat coins and get rid of my hunger”. You need an eatable to get out of your hunger, and not Euros or coins. That is all. It cannot bring happiness. You should not expect money to bring you happiness. You can buy an eatable with Euro, that is a different thing.
Ultimately, happiness cannot be bought by money. We must know this very well. So, get all this comfort in life. But what is it you should get? Comfort is a small thing. But what is it that you can take with you? What can go with you is knowledge. What gets imprinted in the consciousness is knowledge. So, how much knowledge have you gained? Knowledge is not what you read in a book, but it is awareness. How much awareness you have gained? How much broadness in your mind has come up? And in giving, how much love have you given back to the world.
So, how much love have you given?
And how much knowledge have you taken?
These are the only two things that will be asked, and that makes life more fruitful. So, we are all on the right track.
Are you all happy? (A loud, 'Yes!') This is so nice and fortunate. We completed Guru Purnima few days back – 25 July. That was the day we celebrate the knowledge and the love together. Full moon is the symbol of love. It is lovely to walk in the full moon. Moon is very romantic. Isn’t it? So, knowledge is not dry. Knowledge is so romantic and so full of love. That is what we celebrated few days back – Guru Purnima. We thanked all the Masters of the tradition. From thousands of years, the tradition has kept this knowledge intact. So, everyone feels so grateful for the beautiful knowledge we have received in our lives. That is the celebration when you feel so grateful for something that is so life transforming, something that is so important for our life to be uplifted. We feel more grace flowing into our lives. More gratefulness and gratitude means more grace. More grace means more happiness, more knowledge.
Jai Gurudev!!
Guru Poornima

Jai Shri Krishna
Following is a brief summary of Pujya Bhaishri’s discourse while addressing a large congregation of his followers and devotees during the Guru Purnima celebration on 24th July, 2010 at Sandipani.
"If you wish to climb great heights in life, then follow the path enlightened by the great spiritual and religious people, by contemplating upon their lives and characters," said Pujya Bhaishri.
He added, “Guru Purnima is the most important day for those pursuing the spiritual path. The purpose of the human life is not to aim for ordinary materialistic goals. Instead its goal should be to realise the supreme truth in life with the help of a Sadguru. He summoned the followers to recognise their own divine existence. This way, one will release oneself from worldly attachments. To be free from these attachments, it is imperative that we recognise our divine self.
Pujya Bhaishri further said, "Happiness and pain are part of everyone’s' lives. However those who have realised their divine self are not moved by the worldly miseries. Events of happiness, misery and affections occur in the lives of both ordinary as well as self realised people. The difference is that self-realised people are not disturbed by such events. They go through such events with ease. Shri Ram and Shri Krishna also faced hardships in life, but easily with a smile."
Pujya Bhaishri continued to say that worldly situations are transient by nature. If there is suffering in life, happiness will indeed follow. In the absence of pain, it would be difficult to know what it means to be happy. It is important to retain ones mental balance in adverse situations. One will not be affected if one has realised the Truth, that is, God.
Pujya Bhaishri said that the world appreciates and applauds the noble qualities of good people, but cannot tolerate these qualities. The world will rigorously test these qualities in the noble people. It has not spared the great people. However, the great devotees and saints have proved their mettle. The life of Shri Ram is an ideal example of this. You should be meek only before God, not before the world. Problems will come in life and they will also go away. That is the tapah (austerities) that one has to undertake. Do not hold on to problems. When the bird considers the cage as his own home, there is no remedy for it. Life should not be considered as a punishment. Instead, it should be celebrated like a festival with zeal and enthusiasm. How you live your life depends upon you. Once you change your outlook the external world will change accordingly.
Pujya Bhaishri asserted that we are indebted towards the great people. We cannot repay their debt with wealth and riches. Our mind finds peace by remembering them gratefully. Pujya Bhaishri told everyone to try to bring a smile on the face of every miserable person; doing so will bring happiness in ones life.
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